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Lay-by Payment System: $50 Installments

Welcome to our flexible lay-by payment option! This system allows you to purchase your desired item through easy $50 installments. Here's how it works:

How It Works

  • Choose Your Item: Select the item you wish to purchase on lay-by.
  • Make Payments: Each $50 payment represents one installment towards your chosen item.
  • Flexible Payments: Pay as many $50 installments as you like, when it suits you.
  • Track Your Progress: We'll keep track of your payments until your item is fully paid.

How to Use

  • Add the "$50 Lay-by Payment" to your cart.
  • In the required field, enter the exact name or description of your lay-by item.
  • Choose the quantity of $50 installments you wish to pay today.
  • Complete your purchase.
  • Repeat this process until your item is fully paid.

Important Notes

  • One Item at a Time: Currently, you can only use the lay-by system for one item at a time. Please complete payment for your current lay-by item before starting a new one.
  • Always use the same item description for each payment to ensure accurate tracking.
  • There's no interest or additional fees - you only pay the original price of the item.
  • Once fully paid, you can collect your item from our store.

Start your lay-by journey today and make that big purchase manageable with our $50 installment system!




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